As stipulated in APP-164 by Building Department, the 80 mm water seal of an anti-siphonage / resealing trap connected to a floor drain of a kitchen, a toilet, or a pantry shall be replenished by means of diverting the used water from a lavatory basin, a bath or a shower bath. As the result, the loss of water seal of a trap through evaporation or siphonic action is eliminated.
In 2004, Legend has patent granted for the Trap’s Water Seal Replenishment System, the principle of the system is to replenish the trap’s water seal by a designated by-pass pipe teeing off from the primary waste pipe of the basin. Throughout the years, the system has been proved to be utmost success.

Plastic Traps, Floor Drains & Gullies - Full Catalogue
- 80 mm Water Seal for traps and Gullies
- Anti-Siphonage / Resealing Traps - BS EN 274
- Floor Drains / Resealing gullies / Trap's Water Seal Replenishment System
- Materials being used are uPVC, ABS, HDPE, and PP (polypropylene)
- Excellent chemical resistant for all common household chemicals
- Nylon pipe brackets

Top Access 80 mm Seal Resealing Gully (With Water Seal Replenishment Inlet)
- Model LG 496 is Legend’s latest top access resealing gully
- The height of the clamping unit is adjustable which enhances the flexibility with various sunken slab depths
- Model LG 496-WR has three water inlets which enables the water refilling pipe connected to the gully with various pipeline arrangements inside the sunken slab.

Bottle Trap
- 80 mm Water Seal with anti-siphonage silicon seat air valve
- Air is drawn through the valve but not through the water to balance any system pressures within the pipeline. As a result, the gurgling action and sound is minimised.
- BS EN 274
- Nominal size: 32 mm, 40 mm

LT 781 - Anti Siphonage Bottle Trap
Resealing Bottle Trap
- Maintain 80 mm water seal by means of resealing tube
- Ideal for hospitals especially negative pressure rooms where a low pressure environment is created to prevent airborne microorganisms in the room from entering hallways and corridors
- BS EN 274
- Proven induced anti-siphonic test
- Nominal size: 32 mm, 40 mm